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  • 3 Mindfulness Techniques Busy People Should Add to Their Daily Routine (No Meditation Required)

3 Mindfulness Techniques Busy People Should Add to Their Daily Routine (No Meditation Required)

Chronic Evolution Issue 5

Hello! 👋 

Welcome to Issue 5 of the weekly Chronic Evolution newsletter, where I share mindfulness tips, tricks, and anecdotes to help you evolve your mindset in 5 minutes or less.

Let’s get right into it.

3 Mindfulness Techniques Busy People Should Add to Their Daily Routine (No Meditation Required)

I used to think mindfulness meant sitting in a quiet room alone, trying to clear every thought from my head.

It was a battle I was never going to win – and it’s why I didn’t stick to meditation when I first tried to make it a routine.

Now I know that meditation isn’t about clearing your mind – and that mindfulness is about so much more than meditation. Mindfulness is a lifestyle choice encompassing the thoughts you think, how you move your body, and the way you eat your food.

More than half the time, you’re on autopilot

Your brain isn't wired to be mindful. It's designed to be efficient.

As much as 95% of thinking happens below your radar. It's like walking from your bed to the bathroom in the middle of the night – you've done it so many times you can do it with your eyes closed.

Choosing to think mindfully is like turning on the bedroom light. You're bringing all of those hidden thoughts and feelings into conscious awareness. Now you can identify patterns – are you thinking thoughts that tear you down or ones that lift you up?

Bottom line: I dare you to become your own biggest cheerleader for the next 30 days and see what happens.

This isn’t about moving to get fit

Moving mindfully is just as important as thinking mindfully.

You don’t have to carve out special time in your day to “practice” mindfulness. Instead, bring conscious awareness to movements you’re already doing, such as walking the dog, riding your bike, or stretching through a yoga flow. How are you moving? Are you rushing through the activity, or are you taking time to feel your muscles contract and release as they support your movements?

You can also bring conscious awareness to your posture throughout the day, especially if you work at a desk. If you find yourself slouching, gently adjust so you’re in a more supportive position.

Mindful movement isn’t about establishing a certain fitness level – it’s about strengthening your mind-body connection and becoming more aware of your body moving through time and space.

If you have a brain and a body, you can do this anytime, anywhere. 😉 

You are (how you feel about) what you eat

When you bite into a chocolate bar, how do you feel?

You might feel guilty, immensely pleased, or apathetic – the feeling doesn’t matter as much as becoming aware of the feeling. With awareness, you can make informed decisions and changes if necessary.

Mindful eating is also about expressing gratitude for your food and recognizing all that’s happened for it to arrive on your plate.

And now that it’s in front of you, how are you consuming it? Do you shovel food into your mouth before fully chewing the first bite? Or do you savor the textures and flavors with each mouthful? Also, consider how you feel once you're done eating – light and refreshed, or heavy and bloated?

Starting now, eat more mindfully at every meal.

Awareness, with compassion

You can incorporate mindfulness into every single aspect of your life, far beyond how you think, move, and eat. But remember to always observe without judgment. You’re bringing your subconscious habits and routines into awareness not to criticize them but to make informed, conscious decisions that will help you evolve into the best version of yourself.

Living in a heightened state of awareness can bring up a lot of new feelings. Please be kind and compassionate to yourself on this journey.

To your chronic evolution,


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