3 Ways To Move Through Uncertainty

Chronic Evolution Issue 19

Hello! šŸ‘‹ 

Welcome to Issue 19 of the weekly Chronic Evolution newsletter, where I share mindfulness tips, tricks, and anecdotes to help you evolve your mindset in 5 minutes or less.

Letā€™s get right into it.

3 Ways To Move Through Uncertainty

Have you ever felt stuck in life?

Itā€™s that feeling where you know youā€™re not quite where you want to be, but youā€™re equally unsure about where ā€˜thereā€™ actually is.

I currently feel stuck with my health.

Iā€™m dealing with my first chronic pain flair-up in years, and itā€™s brought up a lot of old emotions and fears that I thought I had cleared out long ago.

Some days, a trip to the bookstore feels like a monumental undertaking. A laborious task to be planned and carefully executed.

Other days itā€™s a quick 20-minute chore. In and out.

The uncertainty has left me stagnant and unable to commit to plans or desires.

If youā€™ve also been feeling in a slump or unsure of how to move forward, I have a short but powerful issue for you this week.

Here are the three main things Iā€™ve turned to to help me through the current moment. I hope they can help you move forward, too.

1. Embrace the void

Have you ever had so many thoughts speeding through your mind that youā€™re unable to grab ahold of any of them and end up comfortably numb instead?

The Holistic Psychologist calls this shutdown Freeze. Itā€™s a nervous system response characterized by ā€œfew facial expressions, monotone voice, lack of movement, and chronic procrastination.ā€ And itā€™s where I currently find myself.

Provided I still complete my work obligations, Iā€™m allowing myself to ā€œturn offā€ and sit in the void for a bit. Iā€™m giving my mind and body permission to embrace a slower pace of processing. Removing the pressure to override and overcome this slowness by choosing to embrace it is liberating.

2. Escape to your dreams

I recently came across the concept of Dreamporting with Daniel Raphael.

Iā€™m new to this topic and still exploring it, but I tried Danielā€™s free meditation, which is part of his How to Manifest Instantly YouTube video, and found it extremely centering and calming. In it, youā€™ll focus on receiving pure, golden energy with every in-breath and letting go of othersā€™ projections and energies with every out-breath. I came away feeling more grounded in my own desires.

Hereā€™s the video. Fast-forward to the 24-minute mark to jump right into the meditation.

3. Rethink movement

Iā€™ve been stuck in an exercise rut. I got it into my head that exercise meant weightlifting. End of story.

A rigid, inflexible view left me choosing immobility over anything else when weightlifting wasnā€™t an option. Iā€™ve acknowledged that I was wrong and have returned to the basics with a daily myofascial release program. (This is really just a fancy term for rolling around on a lacrosse ball.) Iā€™ve chosen to listen to my body, give it what it needs, and strengthen my weakened mind-muscle connection. So far, itā€™s helping me to feel better.

If you want to give it a go, just search ā€œtrigger point releaseā€ on YouTube for free videos. Or you can follow the paid program Iā€™m doing. Itā€™s called Rebuilding U with Kinesiology, Movement, and Fascia expert Chris Kidawski.

Thatā€™s it

Those are the three things Iā€™m focusing on right now to help me navigate an uncertain time. If youā€™re also dealing with health issues, I hope these techniques help you recalibrate and rebalance. They also work for any form of uncertainty, including relationship changes or a shifting career.

To your chronic evolution,


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P.P.S. You may have noticed there was no issue last week. I was dealing with this chronic pain flair-up. I have a tendency to retreat into myself during hard times and hide that anything is wrong. Iā€™m working on owning the hard times and reaching out for help. If thatā€™s a topic youā€™d be interested in learning more about, let me know by responding to this email. I may not be able to reply to everyone, but I read every email.

If these emails ever become a burden rather than something you look forward to opening each week, I encourage you to unsubscribe. (No hard feelings.)