How To Genuinely Feel Happier About Your Life Right Now

Chronic Evolution Issue 23

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Welcome to Issue 23 of the weekly Chronic Evolution newsletter, where I share mindfulness tips, tricks, and anecdotes to help you evolve your mindset in five minutes or less.

Let’s get right into it.

How To Genuinely Feel Happier About Your Life Right Now

Have you ever had the burning desire to feel happy NOW?

I mean right now, at this very moment, when you haven’t yet achieved all of your grand visions and big dreams?

Everyone around you seems happy and content in life, so why aren’t you? (Note the keyword there – seems. Social media and public perception can be deceiving.)

Happiness isn’t about getting to a certain point in life. Contrary to popular belief, it’s not something that comes after our success but rather precedes it.

But how can you muster up feelings of happiness when you aren’t where you want to be in life?

The trick is to stop trying to be happy altogether – and start feeling excited instead.

Excited about sipping your morning tea out of your favorite mug while wearing your favorite sweater (pants optional).

Excited about snuggling with your cat or dog throughout the day.

Or reading a really good book that you can’t put down.

Or compiling the perfect Harry Potter gallery wall to adorn the white walls of your rental apartment. (Yes, I really have one. And yes, it’s amazing.)

Or pressing a new batch of wildflowers you plucked from your garden.

Or having deep conversations around a bonfire with strangers you just met.

Or feeling the first butterflies of an unexpected new romance.

Or sinking into bed after a long day, wrapped in a clean set of sheets and a fluffy duvet.

Romanticize the tiny things in your life, and you’ll become a magnet for the big stuff you want to attract without consciously trying.

Some food for thought as you head into a new week.

Here are three ways to put this week’s topic into action:

1. Find three small joys

Look around your immediate surroundings and identify three things that bring you joy. It could be your cozy slippers, a favorite photo on the wall, a book, or even a particular spot in your home. Consider why these things hold significance for you.

2. Create an "Excitement List"

List five small, easily achievable things you can do to bring excitement into your day. It could be anything from trying a new recipe to taking a different route on your daily walk. Post it on the fridge or somewhere easily visible. Then, consult the list daily as you try to infuse each day with more moments of excitement.

3. Visualize your ideal day

Write a detailed narrative of your perfect day, focusing on the small activities and moments that make it special. Then, consider whether you could incorporate more of these “ideal day” elements into your current life, even if it’s something small. Maybe on your ideal day, you wake up in a big house, sleeping on a bed with soft, expensive sheets. You may not be able to afford the house of your dreams at this moment, but can you buy fancier sheets and put them on your current bed? Take baby steps toward bringing your vision to life.

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To your chronic evolution,


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