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  • Use These 29 Sentences To Live Intentionally (and Create Your Desired Reality)

Use These 29 Sentences To Live Intentionally (and Create Your Desired Reality)

Chronic Evolution Issue 6

Hello! đź‘‹ 

Welcome to Issue 6 of the weekly Chronic Evolution newsletter, where I share mindfulness tips, tricks, and anecdotes to help you evolve your mindset in 5 minutes or less.

Let’s get right into it.

Use These 29 Sentences To Live Intentionally (and Create Your Desired Reality)

It’s Monday morning.

You’re eating burnt dry toast (because your toaster is on the fritz, and have you seen the cost of butter these days?) when your boss calls you to their office.

You’ve been let go.

It’s nothing personal, just numbers.

Get ready – it’s time to choose your own adventure.

Option A: You have a victim mentality. How do you react?

“The world is conspiring against me. Dumb Sally from accounting is buddies with the boss. I bet she said something to make this happen. This is all her fault.”

Option B: You take ownership of your actions. Your reaction goes like this:

“I’m disappointed and surprised, but this is not a reflection of my skills. I know there are other opportunities out there. It’s time to brush up my resume and go after them.”

How you speak to yourself has the power to dictate where you end up.

If you’re emotionally mature enough to choose option B, you will go far in life. Here are some quick tidbits that will help you live intentionally and create the personal reality you long for.

  1. Just because your circumstances aren’t your fault doesn’t mean they aren’t your responsibility.

  2. You are the sole author of your story, so if you don’t like how something is turning out, rewrite it.

  3. Don’t let other people tell you who you are – decide, or they’ll do it for you.

  4. Start and end each day with the phrase: “I am so thankful for _____ because _____.” (For example, “I am so thankful for this safe, comfortable bed I’m lying in because it allowed me to get a good night’s sleep and replenish my energy.”)

  5. You can’t control what happens to you, only how you choose to react to it.

  6. Trust in the timing of your life.

  7. At the start of every month, pick one new habit you want to add to your routine and do it first thing when you wake up. (For example, if you want to become a better writer, write for 30 minutes every morning for 30 days. You’ll be developing more than a writing habit – you’re getting the discipline to follow through on anything you want.)

  8. Before taking action, consider the second-order consequences that will impact your life long-term. (For example, let’s say you buy a fancy new tv. First-order consequence: It costs you money. Second-order consequence: It costs you time. Your time is worth a lot more.)

  9. Spend 4 minutes a day visualizing your desired future, then let it go and live your life.

  10. Life has endless possibilities, but whatever path you’re going down now is the path you’re supposed to be on.

  11. Approach all that you do with quiet confidence – even when you don’t know what you’re doing.

  12. Whenever you get money in your bank account, say “Thank you for the money” – and truly feel thankful. (Pro tip: This works in reverse too. If you get an unexpected bill that you can pay, say thank you for the money because it’s there.)

  13. If you want to take control and change a bad situation, choose to be the driver of your life rather than the passenger.

  14. You’ll only ever get as good as what you believe you’re worthy of getting.

  15. If you don’t like your personal reality, it’s up to you to take steps to change it – no one else can do it for you.

  16. Before taking action, ask yourself if it genuinely feels right and if the answer isn’t a massive yes, let it go.

  17. Ask yourself what kind of life you would be living right now if you were the best version of yourself – and then take baby steps toward that reality.

  18. Taking time to do nothing – especially when you have a lot on your plate – will help you become more productive by allowing creative ideas to flow faster.

  19. Taking small, consistent steps toward your desired goal is way better than making giant, fast moves in an unaligned direction.

  20. Clear your mind and connect with nature on a daily walk.

  21. You’re never too old to reinvent yourself – and if people say you are, find new people.

  22. Choosing supportive thoughts today will help you create a more positive future one week, month, and year from now.

  23. If you tell yourself that it’s impossible to fail, it will be – any “failures” become lessons on your path to success.

  24. If you constantly feel tired, you’re doing too much of something you feel resistance towards.

  25. If you’re hit with an unpleasant or intrusive thought, kindly say to yourself, “No, thank you. That is not my story.” and move on.

  26. If you don’t like where you are and have no idea how to change it, try starting again.

  27. Everything you want can be yours when you can reach a state where you don’t need those things to feel happy.

  28. Before you quit something because it’s uncomfortable, ask yourself if this thing is worth being uncomfortable for.

  29. Picture what you want people to say about you in your eulogy, then start living like that person today.


Make a decision and then make it right. There just are no wrong decisions.


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To your chronic evolution,


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