Use This 2-Minute Reset To Drop Back Into Your Body

Chronic Evolution Issue 21

Hello! đź‘‹ 

Welcome to Issue 21 of the weekly Chronic Evolution newsletter, where I share mindfulness tips, tricks, and anecdotes to help you evolve your mindset in 5 minutes or less.

Let’s get right into it.

Use This 2-Minute Reset To Drop Back Into Your Body

I had my first-ever cavity filled yesterday.

I had no clue what to expect, and it didn’t even cross my mind that they would freeze my mouth.

I also didn’t expect to have a reaction to the initial numbing gel they applied. (The stuff they put on so you don’t feel the giant needle with the real numbing stuff as it goes in.)

So, if you’re wondering why this email is coming a day late this week, it’s because I was high as a kite on lidocaine and then crashed so hard that I slept through the time I was supposed to be writing this.

However, I’m feeling much better now and am ready to pop into your inbox with a new issue.

This week, I want to share a deceptively simple – but powerful – exercise.

It’s called the 2-Minute Shift, and I heard about it from Emily King.

It can help you reset from a busy day and reconnect back to your body and mind.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Set your timer for two minutes and 22 seconds.

  2. Do nothing in that time.

That’s it!

It’s harder than you might think. You’re not allowed to play on your phone or watch TV. Don’t even sip a hot tea or pet your cat.

Just sit there with yourself and see what comes up.

What are you thinking about?

How does your body feel?

What could you use more of right now?

What could you use less of?

Or maybe nothing comes up for you, and you fidget the whole time, unable to sit still. That’s okay, too.

Do this every day this week and see how you feel by the end of it. You may notice that it’s easier to drop into stillness some days than others.

If you feel like it, hit reply and let me know how your first 2-Minute Shift goes.

To your chronic evolution,


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